Agricultural Technology Innovation Partnership
Dedicated to Commercializing Promising New Ag Technologies & Business Models Around the Country
We are ATIP, a non-profit organization headquartered in Arlington, TX, staffed largely by former USDA researchers & staff dedicated to commercializing promising new Ag technologies & business models around the country.
The ATIP Foundation’s purpose is to serve as a catalyst for the adoption and commercialization of USDA research outcomes. The Foundation supports a strategic approach to the formation of collaborative partnerships, facilitating and enabling the integration of industry, academic, and government research and discovery with venture capital and talent & know how.
The ATIP Foundation’s work is national, regional, and local in scope, premised on the concept that our future economic sustainability is dependent upon fostering collaboration among our nation’s federal labs, research oriented universities, technology focused economic development entities, venture capital, and business and industry; resulting in greater affordability, reliability, and efficiency for all parties.