The Foundation’s approach facilitates effective communication between the research community and agriculture developers and users. This helps assist USDA, corporate, and university researchers align their efforts toward rapid and timely technology developments. The Foundation serves its partners and stakeholders through: (1) enabling them to test and evaluate research ideas by helping them gain access to research, technologies, and facilities that are designated for agricultural development; (2) identifying research funding and resource opportunities pertaining to the Foundation; (3) by helping establish strong teams to respond to RFPs (Requests For Proposal); and (4) enabling teams to develop funded research efforts.
The Bioeconomy
The ATIP Foundation is pleased to publish the first in what will be a series of documents providing up-to-date research on the bioeconomy, enabling access to information from Federal, State, County, and City governments, as well as academic research and industrial backed research, and to more effectively inform those involved in the bioeconomy.
We are pleased to provide our first report, developed in partnership with the University Of California system, on Opportunities for GHG Reductions and Renewable Fuel Production in the Poultry Industry.

Workforce Development & Training
From a workforce perspective, the Foundation is focused on fostering the training curriculum and capacity that will be needed for the growth of the industry, working with and through the National Institute for Food & Agriculture (NIFA), the Agriculture Extension Service, and participating Land Grant Universities. In addition, the Foundation anticipates seeking funding assistance from the U.S. Department of Labor, as well as State and local workforce investment boards.
Accounting, Research agreements and Flow of Funding
All in-coming funds to the Foundation received from USDA and all out-going funds from the Foundation to the USDA are managed in accordance with USDA policy, under standard USDA agreements.
​The Foundation executes Foundation funded/sponsored/managed grant agreements for proposals selected for awards.